Het Bloom-syndroom

Tijdig de diagnose stellen voordat groeihormoontherapie wordt overwogen Het Bloom-syndroom (BS) is een zeldzame DNA-reparatiestoornis. Dit beeld kan op jonge leeftijd herkend worden aan de hand van de meest kenmerkende symptomen: pre- en postnatale groeiachterstand en...

A Challenging diagnosis

Bloom Syndrome in Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age: A Challenging Diagnosis Background: GH treatment has become a frequently applied growth-promoting therapy in short children born small for gestational age (SGA). In some disorders GH treatment is...

Immunodeficiency in Bloom’s Syndrome

Abstract Bloom’s syndrome (BS) is an autosomal recessive disease, caused by mutations in the BLMgene. This gene codes for BLM protein, which is a helicase involved in DNA repair. DNA repair is especially important for the development and maturation of the T and B...